
"Completing the Speak-up, Speak-Out program changed my life. In my job, I have to do a lot of public speaking and it was incredibly daunting it made me feel small and ineffective. Doing the course allowed me to see what the barriers were that were holding me back. It challenged me and enabled me to see myself through the eyes of other people, it helped me explore what was feeding my insecurity and gave me tools to address the inevitable nervousness that comes from putting yourself out there. Now, when I am about to go on stage, the adrenalin still kicks in but now I know how to channel it so it works for me and helps me to be the best I can be. I will never be a natural public speaker, but now, I approach it with confidence and anticipation. I honestly would not have thought it was possible. Thank you Sophia!"

Chris Cherry

"I have known Sophia now for approximately 20 years. She took me under her wing when I started my own business in Remedial Therapy. She taught me how to run a business, and she taught me a good work ethic, of course leading by example. It was through Sophia, that I learned of my passion for helping/caring for people, and she supported me to follow my dream of becoming a Paramedic. Being a shift worker leads you to some pretty unhealthy habits, and I called on Sophia to help guide me through these bad habits and out the other side. I can honestly say that every bit of advice and guidance she gave me worked. I trust Sophia 100%. She has a zest for life and a passion that is unrivaled. Thanks, Sophia for helping guide me through this crazy life."

Kate Summers

Working with Sophia with in the Intuition Code program, has been a game changer. After years of Chronic Pain, she helped me find myself spiritually and my intuition has never been stronger. Her presence is calming, and her words are transformative. She guides you on a path of creation, where your present and future self collide, and move forward on ONE path.

Allen Willis

"The Intuition Code course has been a transformative journey for me. With a perfect blend of scientific insights and experiential exercises, this course has demystified the power of intuition in a way that is both enlightening and practical. Sophia’s guidance was valuable, providing not only a comprehensive understanding of intuition but also empowering tools to tap into this innate wisdom. I now navigate life with a heightened awareness, trusting my intuition as a guiding force. I highly recommend The Intuition Code to anyone seeking to unlock their inner wisdom and embrace a more authentic and fulfilling existence." Vicki Rablin

Vicky Rablin

"Sophia is a beautiful and gifted lady, words are not enough to express how amazing these sessions were. I felt transported, empowered, and loved. Sophia helped with goals I never thought were achievable, with her knowledge, guidance, and caring nature we tackled these goals together and I am so proud to say that my life has blossomed and grown beyond my expectations.

I have newfound confidence following my dreams and passions knowing I am on the right track for me, life is so exciting. Sophia helped me through moments of growth, always a phone call away if I needed her guidance, I could not have done this without her. So, a big thank you to Sophia for showing me, guiding me, and trusting in the process. I highly recommend Sophia for any of your coaching needs. Many blessings Lee."

Lee Hacker

"The world needs The “Conscious Results Program”. Sophia has been a dear friend to me for over seven years. It’s been an absolute treasure to watch her develop this program. She has had a lifelong passion to help people both physically and emotionally. Her life experiences and all of her qualifications have led her to this place where she is able to facilitate a safe, nurturing space where I have been able to become more aware of my limiting beliefs, and through that change and grow in a positive productive, and prosperous way. The conscious results program is an incredible program where Sophia‘s coaching, guiding, and mentoring are not only professional but so incredibly life-changing. For anyone wanting to create a life by their own design, anyone wanting to make positive changes where they attract the things in life they desire, and anyone who wants to change dysfunctional behavior patterns this program is a must. I’m so grateful for the Love & Support I have received Camilla Rowe."

Camilla Rowe

"I embarked on a personal journey in the Conscious Results Program with Sophia several months ago. With significant changes happening in my life, I found myself in old unhelpful patterns of behavior's and wanted to make a significant change. Sophia was such a compassionate and giving coach. She held my hand through uncomfortable feelings and deep emotional unveiling. I felt incredibly comfortable being vulnerable with her and was so well supported. Conscious Results has helped me uncover the obstacles from my past that are blocking me from moving forward. And I love that I can use these program resources and the tools I’ve learned to consciously create my desired reality in all aspects of my life."

Danni Taylor

"I have known Sophia for 9 years. Over this time I have reached out to Sophia as I admired her empathy, passion, and drive to support others. Her nurturing skills allowed me to find the inner strength to empower my growth, helping me to stay consistent over the years. Sophia is caring, knowledgeable, helpful, honest, and dedicated to helping find a balanced approach to health and wellness, not just helping me with nutrition and fitness but also with mindfulness, meditation, self-empowerment, support, and education. I am extremely grateful to have received this support on my journey."

Shannan Bartlett

" I have been training with Sophia in her Conscious Results program, and I am genuinely grateful to her as it has helped me have a clearer vision of what I want to occur in my life, and has given me tools to recognise learned behaviours that are stopping me from progressing forward and achieving those goals. It has truly been an eye-opening experience and I can highly recommend it, especially for people who feel like they are stuck in their life."

Mel Moss

"I came to Sophia when I was feeling like I was taking one step forward and two steps backward with my health. Whenever I would start an exercise regime I would end up with more health problems. She encouraged me to take it gently and listen to my body and as a result, I am now healthier and happier than ever. And I've also found a new, fabulous friend in Sophia - which is the biggest bonus of all."

Megan Mittag

"I would like to thank Sophia over the past 12 months in helping me achieve my weight-loss goal and healthier lifestyle choices. With Sophia's support I lost the weight and have maintained keeping it off through her endless encouragement and support that Sophia gives in achieving your goals. It has been a great journey with Sophia with some laughs and sweats along the way but i would not change one thing. Sophia is not only a great support in helping you through your lifestyle change you get a special bond from it because she has seen the body and the transformation that we have achieved with great results. All from her dedication to helping others reach their potential when sometimes we get slack We need that extra support."

Bev Boorman

"Hi, my name is Jenny and I have known Sophia for about 30 years, we have recently reconnected and Sophia has helped me to lose 11 kg. I found Sophia to be very motivating with her extensive knowledge of fitness and the mindset that is needed to change your lifestyle from being inactive and overweight to active and getting my weight under control. I’m truly grateful for her dedication to helping people like me who can find every reason under the sun not to exercise and indulge in all the things we know are not helpful to feeling fabulous.

Jenny Wallace

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