Sophia Partland

Life Change Coach

Living with Purpose - A Reflection of a Life Well-Lived

About Me

My name is Sophia Haehae Mokai Partland, originally from Tauranga, New Zealand, nestled in the scenic surroundings of Mt Maunganui across the Tauranga Harbor. Growing up as the sixth child in a bustling family of eleven, I inherited a rich blend of Māori and Scottish heritage from my mother, with my father tracing his roots also back to Scottish heritage, the MacDonald clan. In 1979, at the age of 14, my family embarked on a journey to Australia, marking a significant chapter in my life.

Childhood for me was a journey woven with both joyous moments and profound challenges. Amidst the warmth of love, nourishment, and cherished memories, there were also shadows of loss, separation, and the harsh realities of mental and emotional struggles, substance abuse, and domestic turmoil. Despite these obstacles, I found the courage to spread my wings at 16, seeking solace and familiarity back in Aotearoa, where I boarded with our childhood neighbours, who felt more like family.

As I embarked on the journey of motherhood alongside my husband David, I made it my mission to provide our sons with the nurturing, security, and guidance they needed to navigate life's twists and turns. Instilling independence from a young age, I faced my fears head-on, driven by a desire to ensure their resilience, even in my absence. Today, as they stand tall at 32 and 34, I feel grateful and pride in their accomplishments. I have long time ago weathered the storms of the "empty nest" phase and today enjoying observing them as they carve their own paths and discovering new ways that I can love and support them.

My life has been a book of many chapters from, self development, to raising a loving family, creating small business, to globetrotting adventures, and the overcoming the fears that stood in the way of my dreams. And now, as a grandmother, I find myself still embracing life's challenges and triumphs with unwavering enthusiasm.

Now it's your moment. Let's explore the realm of possibilities for your next chapter. What aspirations are poised to soar within your heart? Together, let's map out a path towards the future you envisage. We all share the gift of 24 hours each day. Here's a thought: amidst the hustle of life, are you allocating any of those precious hours to nurturing your dreams and envisioning the life you desire? If the answer eludes you, rest assured, you're not alone. Don't hesitate for another moment. Reach out, and let's discuss how you can embark on a journey of crafting a life that resonates with you. This pivotal first step hinges solely on your decision to prioritize yourself. Take that step, and connect with me. I'm extending a 100% complimentary consultation to kickstart this transformative journey.

Living With Purpose: A Reflection of a Life Well Lived.

Carlos and Jerome the apple of our eyes. It was an absolute pleasure and privilege to raise these two boys.

I have maintained active physical exercise routinely my whole life. At 59 I believe if you want to enjoy a life you love to live, you must have a healthy and strong body, (the vehicle) to do so.

I love to grow stuff and organic food is one of my pleasures, our children were raised to eat healthily.


I have been adventurous at heart but as a young woman, I was scared of everything! Over the years I have felt the fear and did it anyway and in the process, have gained a better understanding of who I am.


I wanted to experience a walk in New Zealand so I walked the Routeburn Track, on my own and loved being amongst nature. Something I had wanted to do before I had a family.


I wanted to experience whitewater rafting in NZ, another activity when the chicks left the nest.

2012 to 2015

I entered the mining industry so I could earn an income, pay my share of the mortgage, and sail the world.


Working as a Health, Safety, and Environment Adviser in seismic exploration.

2012 to 2019

Granada Productions and ITV also supported me financially, working with them over 8 years was a perfect solution to sailing for 9 months of the year and working for 3 months to build up my bank account for travel. So grateful for this crew.


While I was waiting for the flood water to dissipate and the town to return to business as per usual, I trained as a Magnetic Mind Coach with Chris Duncan, Hannah Knies, and Rochelle Weir and that is what I love to do. I am following my true nature and purpose which is to live my best life and assist others to do the same.

Carlos knew from the age of 8, that he wanted to go into the Australian Air Force. Carlos initiated the enlistment process and followed it step by step.

David and I with our boys. Our bond lasted 17yrs together as intimate partners and another 4 years whilst separated and divorced. We kept our family together until both boys left the nest. Coming from a broken family myself, I realised how important this would be for our family.

One of Carlos' dreams from a young boy was to be a pilot; today he is a recreational pilot. The dream continues to unravel.

1994 to 2004

My first business was a massage clinic that I practiced for 10 years, it became the main source of income, that raised our young family.

2016 to 2020

Introducing Sukha, a beautiful performance yacht, a Catalina 470. Sukha took us around the world, creating many memories that we will always cherish.


Sailing Sukha, off the east coast of Australia on our way to Africa.


Empowering women and men to be in their best health has been my passion for many years as a health practitioner, Massage Therapist, Fitness Instructor, Weight Management Consultant, Nutritional Cleanse Coach and Gym Manager.

2019 to 2021

I found myself working in with people who are living with disability and so I embarked on the certificates. I loved the work and once again, I found myself assisting others to live their best life, in alignment with my true nature and purpose but due to my health choices, also alignment with my true choices, the work suddenly ceased. So I pivoted back into health and fitness again.

2021 to 2022

I had set myself up as a Personal Trainer again growing with 8 clients when the flood of all time came through our town and cut communications, roads and a lot of us were at a great loss. I lost my Clientele in one sweep of the flash flood.

2022 to 2024
My focus has been on empowering
individuals through online coaching in public speaking and intuition. Through
tailored guidance and personalised strategies, I've helped clients unlock their
desired potential, equipping them with the skills and confidence needed to
excel in both professional and personal arenas. It's been a journey of growth,
connection, and transformation, as together, we've embraced the power of
effective communication and intuitive understanding.

Jerome was attracted to art, for most of his childhood and as a teenager, he wanted to have his own business. Jerome found his path to a photography business. It's about helping our children find their path not making the path for them.

In 2011 Dale & I sailed to Indonesia while there we unofficially adopted a young Indonesian student called Ella, who dreamt of becoming a teacher. My partner Dale sponsored Ella for her university degree and also one year of practical experience whilst myself and my dear friend Camilla Rowe have helped out with sponsorship for the other children in the orphanage. Today Ella is a teacher, she is happily married, and has adopted 10 orphaned children. From the day I met Ella I fell in love with her, she is truly living her true nature and purpose.

Maddi, Jerome's wife is exceptional at doing the backend of the business, taking care of all administration, marketing, and customer relations. Jerome takes care of photography, videography, and editing.


Our Grandchildren.
Jerome, Maddi, and their young family, Mia is 9yrs, Bella 7yrs and Luca is just 5 months.


Dale my current partner of 18 years, we have traveled the world, sailing exotic and remote locations over a period of 10 years. We found this perfect sign whilst in Namibia, Africa 2019.


Dale and I are in The Seychelles with cruising friends, cooling off at a beautiful waterfall. Feeling very privileged to have amazing experiences.

Empty Nest - 2018

One of the many diving experiences off Sukha as we sailed the world together.


One of my dreams was actualized, while we were sailing Madagascar. This whale shark followed us and was so inquisitive it wouldn't leave. One of my favorite memories.


Arrived back in Australia to work after sailing from Africa to Brazil and into the Caribbean. The PLB Group Restaurant has always been so supportive in giving me work over the years for which I am truly grateful.


In 2011 Dale & I sailed to Indonesia while there, we unofficially adopted a young Indonesian student called Ella. Dale sponsored Ella through her university degree and also one year of practical experience.

In the image below is our beautiful kind-hearted Ella, sitting just to my right in the yellow T-shirt . Ella is the eldest child of the orphanage she was orphaned as a young baby. I have supported this orphanage over the years and I would like to do more.

Most of these children have been displaced by floods and the loss of their parents. Ella was determined to give them the education they needed regardless of their situation.

Don’t Wait Any Longer.

Start Navigating

Your Own Path Today!

We are creative beings!

Let's CREATE your next chapter!

There is so much to be done in this world!

Let's take care of you first and focus on creating a life you can be truly proud of, a life that will give you a sense of self-satisfaction and happiness.

A life you would love to live!

A life that is in alignment with your true nature and purpose and gives you a reason to spring out of bed and get to it!

A life of health and vitality because you have taken the time to plan your nutrition and regular exercise that will ascertain a life you want to lean into.

A life where you are the primary creator of your future version of yourself. Including those dreams and desires that you put away for some other time. Well, this is your time, so pull them off the shelf and let's get you started now!

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