Unlock Your True Potential

Sophia Partland - Life Change Coach

Discover a life aligned with your dreams and aspirations.

Empower yourself with the tools and insights needed to let go of old conditioning, embrace your ideal self, and create a fulfilling life.

At Conscious Results, we believe that every individual has the power to design a life they love. Our programs are carefully crafted to help you break free from limiting beliefs, tap into your intuition, and align your personal and professional life with your deepest desires. Whether you're looking to improve your communication skills, develop your intuition, or enhance your health and vitality, we are here to guide and support you every step of the way.

Awaken Your Creative Genius to Lead a Life You Love!

Creativity is a natural part of who you are, passed down to you through your parents' DNA. Whether it's the mix of their genes or the environment you grew up in, you've always played a role in shaping your life. It's easy to forget how creative we are, but just look around—human creativity is everywhere.

From the moment you left your family's care, you've been building your life. Every part of the life you live today is something you've created, right?

With the CREATE Transformation Method, I'll help you consciously shape the next chapter of your life.

By making intentional choices, you'll learn how important it is to connect with your true self, your natural talents, and your purpose. Together, we'll face and overcome the obstacles that have been holding you back, freeing you from doubt and limitations. When you align with your goals every day, and tap into your natural creativity, you'll bring your heart and mind into harmony. This will help you bridge the gap between your dreams and reality, allowing you to take actions that make those dreams come true.

What is the CREATE Transformation Method?

You will learn how to consciously create what you would

love to see show up in your life!

CHOICE - Choose a clear and concise authentic goal.

RELEASE - Release any resistance or obstacles standing in your way.

ENGAGE - Engage with your innate creative potential.

ALIGN - Align your actions with your desired future outcomes.

TAKE - Take daily steps towards that outcome, no matter how big or small.

EMBODY - Embody the end result as if it is already exists.

"Awaken your inner genie;

your imagination is the key to infinite possibilities."

We are creative beings! Let's CREATE your next chapter!

It's easy to sit back, play small and complain about life and how unfair it can be, and I get it, there are some sad, bad, mind-blowing things that have happened in this world and maybe even to you. But as Anthony Robbins once said to me in a seminar, are you going to let the past determine your future? My answer was a big NO! Nelson Mandela spent years in prison, and went from being Locked up to Leader, because he believed he could be a leader, and he didn't let anyone dim his light. Oprah Winfrey from Abuse to Abundance, Oprah had a very tough beginning but evolved to be one of the wealthiest women on the planet. JK Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter novels, went from Broke to Brilliantly Rich. Dr. Joe Dispenser from Broken to Bonified, he consciously used his mind to heal and recover from a broken back. Dr. Joe then went on to become a neuroscientist and today shares scientific facts of the mind, with millions of people on the planet. Chris Duncan my coach, from Unconscious to Conscious Educator, I stood on my own two feet moving forward from Sad to Self-Confidence and I continue to live and lean into the life, that I would love to see show up. I stand upon the shoulders of giants, I work with the Create Transformation Method, heart, and purpose to help and assist you to create a life you would love to live, Why? Just because it's what I love to do and there is no better reason, than that!

Turn Your Dreams into Reality and

Build the Life You Want!

What magic will you create in the next chapter of your story?

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